Vip Room Booking
The round table in the booth brings back fond memories of being a child and gathering as a family or a recollection of a group of old friends. The booth has an antique table and six antique chairs (It is possible to accept reservations for 6-8 adults. Additional chairs can be added if needed ), in addition to memories, it will also bring out the sincere nature of each gathering. The usage time is 120 minutes and the minimal spending for the usage is 3500 NTD. Please contact the staff if you have queries about the menu. We welcome all guests to come and enjoy this separate dining space.

Meeting Room Rental Plan
▪ 會議空間租借為每次 3500NTD / 120分鐘
▪ 三樓會議空間使用(不含儲藏空間)
▪ 提供會議空間8-10人座位(8張會議椅、2張臨時椅)
▪ 可使用投影機及無線網路WIFI
▪ 可折抵8人共2000元餐飲消費
▪ 額外餐飲消費可享9折優惠
▪ 禁止攜帶外食
Time available for rental is from 10:00-19:00.
Please book the venue in advance.
Contents and specifications of meeting room rental:
▪ Meeting room rental fee is 3500NTD / 120 minutes.
▪ The storage room is not for rent.
▪ 8-10 chairs are provided in the meeting room.
▪ The projector and WIFI are available.
▪ The rental fee can be redeemed for 2000NTD-worth
food and drinks / 8 people.
▪ You can get a 10% discount on your orders except for the ones above. ▪ No outside food or drinks please.

Vip Room Booking
貳房苑提供場地租借服務,除會議空間、包廂圓桌外,尚有階梯座位區以及全店包場借用皆可洽詢,作為小型產品發表、聚餐茶敘、公關活動、攝影需求或各式講座,均可彈性變化。相關場地需求,歡迎來電聯繫 +886 2 2391 2866
媒體採訪需求及照片,請來信 jesse.chen@2bywuandchen.com
LivinGreen venue is available to rent: meeting room, private room, ladder space, or even the whole restaurant. If you are interested, please connect PR for further information.
TEL +886 2 2391 2866
For enquiries regarding press and press photos
please contact us at info@2bywuandchen.com